How it works

What does TheSlimSchool programme offer?
A 4-month course of lifestyle changes, combined with the access to a personal dashboard. Four lessons with recommendations will be added to your personal dashboard every week, that you can choose to follow. The recommendations target simple, concrete changes that you can make with immediate effect.

Think of whether you can commit to the related recommendation and make it part of your life long-term, or at least for the 3 months ahead.

If the recommendation looks compatible with your way of life, you can activat the Commitment button on your personal dashboard.  You can write down, in the space provided next to the commitment, your personal notes. Make your personal additions to commitments as concrete as possible, including level of effort and dates such as: ‘I will take part in the 5 km Walkathon in my city on June 5’; or ‘I will subscribe up to May 31’.

Think in detail – what you can change today, and what in a week from now.  What you need to buy, what you need to stop buying. Keep in mind the combined time and effort element – while it is good to be ambitious, the harder you are on yourself, the easier you will break your own rules.

Your personal dashboard is designed for easy monitoring. You don’t need to log in daily but at least twice a week (it will take a 2 minutes of your time). All you need to do is mark how you fulfilled your commitment(s) on the previous day(s). 

Easy does itEven a small step will become effective if adhered to over time. 

Second, we do offer a more clasical approach - a choice of three diets, building on the latest scientific information and accompanied by a dashboard.  You can choose – to begin (or stop) a diet of your choice, whenever and how many times you want, or continue TheSlimSchool regular course.

Third, TheImpatientGourmet section - a selection of the easiest, tastiest and most fat-loss appropriate recipes that you will be able to find, based on simplified and nutritionally upgraded French and Mediterranean recipes. All information is provided in metric and imperial measurements. TheSlimSchool explains for every recipe the science behind ingredients used.  

Overall, TheSlimSchool food philosophy is based on following ten principles:

1.  Low caloric density and glycemic load
2.  Adequate liquid intake  
3.  Reduced content of dietary advanced glycation end products and a low degree of food processing in general
4.  Presence of calcium and magnesium 
5.  Quality of fats used, in particular omega-3 oil content
6.  Adequate proportion of proteins, preferably from plants
7.  High in fibre and resistant starch  
8.  Addition of ingredients with thermogenic properties
9.  Rich in flavonoids 
10. Inclusion of prebiotics and probiotics

We believe no other online programme offers you equal support to maximize the effectiveness of your fat loss efforts. Ready to start? Subscribe now.

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