Why diets fail


The majority of popular diets build on a few leading principles, not considering the amount of research that has been carried out around the world in recent years on what makes us feel hungry or full, the 999 different ways we burn calories, and the…

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The statistics of weight loss success do not make encouraging reading. On average, 85% of dieters end up the same weight, or heavier, two years after a diet. So why, instead of publishing a new diet plan every week, is there not more discussion in…

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Cultural background

Lab mice have no option but to eat whatever the researchers drop into their cages. Some diet regimes treat humans the same way. Human contacts revolve around food. You meet family and friends for lunch or dinner. Birthdays and weddings are…

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What works

Energy expenditure

It’s important to realise why the expression used throughout TheSlimSchool programme - is ‘energy expenditure’ and ‘movement’ rather than ‘sports’ or ‘exercise’. Energy expenditure is the…

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Motivation and willpower are the second to none in importance for follow-through and success of your weight management effort. How can you ensure that you stick to your diet? Most people start bending the rules just 2 days after starting. Most…

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Recent years saw a shift in numerous medical paradigms. Now we know that we should not hide from the sun completely, because vitamin D that our skin produces with the help of the sun’s rays is important for a number of processes in the body …

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What we offer?

How it works

What does TheSlimSchool programme offer?A 4-month course of lifestyle changes, combined with the access to a personal dashboard. Four lessons with recommendations will be added to your personal dashboard every week, that you can choose to follow.…

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Our method

TheSlimSchool starts where other programmes end - with the post-diet phase. Long-term (2 years and beyond) studies indicate that only 15% of people keep off the weight they lost while dieting.  So why make all the effort? TheSlimSchool…

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Issues covered

We strive to present you with all options for fat loss that are proven to work. TheSlimSchool not only enumerates the available options, but also rates them based on their overall contribution to fat loss versus their feasibility. As…

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Why get slimmer with us

Many programmes are still very much based on calorie counting, an exactly defined proteins - carbohydrates - fats ratio, high expectations (gym 5 times weekly, anyone?) and one or two leading principles. The current state of knowledge is…

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You need to know that a reasonable amount of movement is extremely important for long-term loss of fat, equally important as dieting, see also our article 'Energy Expenditure'.This is even more true the older we get, as we need…

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Free advice

Appear slimmer

Let’s face it. We humans are superficial creatures – most of us do not try to lose weight to lower hypertension, cut the risks of breast cancer or diabetes, but to look better. It is in our biological nature to compare our looks with…

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Is calorie counting useful?

TheSlimSchool does not recommend a detailed calorie counting. This article will show you why calorie counting may be of limited use and why other aspects of food intake and energy expenditure need to be monitored. 1.     …

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Best diet composition

As you will have noticed, there is plenty of ongoing discussion about what the proportion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins should be in a diet most effective for losing fat and keeping it off. Many weight loss regimes present diet composition as…

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Step away from the scales

While scales may be a reasonable addition to your kitchen (and we will treat this aspect in detail in one of TheSlimSchool lessons), they make less sense standing in your bathroom. Why? Our weight depends on a number of factors. For two people with…

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Five simple recommendations

Quite consciously, we are offering only five pieces of advice. The chances are that you’ll have read many recommendations on many other websites. But this time, do not make TheSlimSchool one more website you browse through. Reading …

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17 pounds in 17 days!

Sorry folks, that was just to grab your attention... Now, how much of your fat deposits can you lose in a week or a month, REALLY?As you realized, losing fat and losing weight is not quite the same thing. These days, practically every new diet…

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Where is my waist?

The fact that people have become heavier in the past 50 years will come as a surprise to no one. What is astonishing is where on the body this extra weight is located. Body measurements are important for clothes manufacturers, in order for them to…

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