
You need to know that a reasonable amount of movement is extremely important for long-term loss of fatequally important as dieting, see also our article 'Energy Expenditure'.

This is even more true the older we get, as we need to make more effort to preserve our bones, muscle mass and joints. Movement is indispensable to keep your insulin sensitivity high and to reduce your waistline.

TheSlimSchool course, therefore, focuses as much attention on energy expenditure as on energy intake (diet).

TheSlimSchool will not give you an excuse not to exercise. 
Why? Because most of our recommendations regarding energy expenditure do not involve time at the gym - no commuting times, no gym membership fees, no sweaty changing rooms, no sports equipment are necessary.

Movement can mean stretching upon waking up, flexing your muscles when standing in the subway or walking from the far away corner of the parking lot.  And let’s not take the fun out of it - movement can mean an evening of dancing, bowling or gardening, an afternoon of rollerblading, pétanque or golf with friends.

As you will learn on TheSlimSchool course, there is actually little use exercising in the gym if you get no movement for the rest of the day. Moreover, research shows that certain types of exercise at particular times of the day are many times more efficient than others, and that fat does not disappear in linear correlation to the time spent exercising.

TheSlimSchool course will help you get the right dose and mixture of movement to make your fat loss efforts as effective as possible. 

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